Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Make Career Success Your New Years Resolution

How to Make Career Success Your New Year’s Resolution Every year around this time, many people approach the new year with a sense of optimism and determination, vowing to make a number of life changes and self-improvements. Healthy food is consumed, gym parking lots are full and everyone is at their best. Unfortunately, by late January, most have already fallen off the wagon and abandoned their new year’s resolutions. According to a study by the University of Scranton, 92 percent of all new year’s resolutions fail. How is it possible that so many good intentions can fall through the cracks? Psychology professor Peter Herman describes this as the “false hope syndrome.” Herman points out that most people fail because their resolutions aren’t realistic. They underestimate the difficulty of the task and the time required to accomplish it. There are a number of approaches one can take that may not guarantee success, but can certainly increase the odds. Let’s look at a few tips that will help you achieve your resolutions and set you up for career success in the new year. Don’t make resolutions you can’t control Perhaps your new year’s resolution is to get a promotion at work. You’ve been with the company for several years, gained the necessary skills and experience, and proven your interest and determination. Unfortunately, a part of this resolution is beyond your control. Maybe there are no current job openings. Maybe there’s another candidate who is equally qualified, or perhaps more so. Maybe they’ll be offered the position, but they won’t be a good fit and it will be offered to you the following year. While it’s good to have career goals and continue to work toward them, hinging your resolution on something that is ultimately someone else’s decision can leave you feeling a sense of failure, even though you did everything required to succeed. Don’t bite off more than you can chew Just because it’s a new year and you’re looking to make some positive changes, presumably your everyday responsibilities won’t change. You’ll still have the same commitments you had last year â€" to your wife or husband, to your kids, to your employer, to your friends. Therefore, keep these commitments in mind when making your resolutions, and try to keep them realistic. Instead of vowing to get a degree or a certification, start by just taking one class. Each small step will move you closer to your larger goal. Celebrate your success by reaching small goals â€" don’t regret your failure by not reaching big ones. Take baby steps Whatever your resolution may be, look at it with a micro view, not a macro one. Work small steps into your daily or weekly routine, and don’t expect to knock out large portions at once. If your goal is to read a book about a new subject or for a course you’re taking, focus on reading one or two pages a night, not on finishing the book in a week or two. There’s nothing wrong with starting small, and if you find you have more time in your schedule than you anticipated, you can always increase your efforts. On the other hand, taking on too much to begin with will only cause stress and frustration, and will most likely leave you feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Set a realistic timeframe A common reason that new year’s resolutions fail is the lack of an appropriate timeframe. Not setting a target date invites procrastination, and while there may be several months left in the year, an “I’ll get to it when I have time” attitude can easily lead to unmet goals and feelings of failure. Likewise, setting a target date that’s too soon can lead to similar frustration. Choose a date that’s realistic for completing your resolution, and that will allow you to balance the extra work with your daily schedule. Once it’s set, hold yourself accountable. Ensure you’re taking the necessary steps on a regular basis to achieve your goal on the chosen date. While some resolutions may benefit from a partner who can hold you accountable (like a workout buddy), in the end, no one will celebrate your success or regret your failure more than you. Only choose goals that are important This sounds like a no-brainer, but some people feel they MUST have a new year’s resolution or they just aren’t improving. There’s really no shame in not having a resolution. Most resolutions fail simply because people just don’t care enough to follow through. If it’s not something that’s important to you, skip it this year and start thinking of a resolution for next year that you’re truly passionate about. Without willpower, determination and a meaningful goal, you’re setting yourself up for failure, which will only have a negative psychological effect on other aspects of your life. Any gambler will tell you that it’s better not to gamble when the odds aren’t in your favor than to gamble and lose. Such is the case with new year’s resolutions. While we can all learn from certain failures, there’s nothing to be gained from talking about resolutions of years past that you weren’t committed enough to see through. If you’re part of the nearly 50 percent of the population who typically makes new year’s resolutions, choose a goal that’s meaningful and attainable, with a realistic target date of completion. Then above all, hold yourself accountable for achieving it so you don’t become one of the 92 percent who fail. By this time next year, you’ll be looking to repeat this year’s success instead of hoping to avoid another failed resolution attempt.

Monday, May 25, 2020

9 Male Dominated Careers that Women Are Totally Crushing - Classy Career Girl

9 Male Dominated Careers that Women Are Totally Crushing Theres nothing stopping you from  going  against the grain and choosing a career field thats typically thought to be male dominated. Many of these male dominated jobs pay exceptional salaries and can most definitely  be performed by either gender. In addition, you’ll have the chance to be a trailblazer and open doors for other women who want to break traditional gender stereotypes in the workplace. Here are 9 male dominated careers that women are totally crushing: 1. Law Enforcement Although the number of women entering law enforcement has steadily grown in recent years, this career field is still largely dominated by men. If you choose to enter this field, you can work as a police officer who handles everything from issuing traffic citations to arresting suspected criminals. You’ll undergo specialized training on how to use firearms and tactical gear and be expected to maintain a good fitness level. 2. Attorney You can also choose to work as an attorney if the legal field interests you. Although a lot of schooling and hard work will be required to pursue this career, being an attorney comes with great rewards. In recent years, some of the top attorneys in the United States have been women who have a high success rate in winning cases. Suzzanne Uhlands law blog is just one example of an online resource that includes information on scholarships for women that can ease your financial burden while studying for your law degree. 3. Technology If you have an analytical mind and a knack for computers, the technology field may be the perfect fit for you. You will be responsible for resolving a variety of technical issues and may be expected to perform hardware repairs. You may even have the chance to develop new software programs that can change the face of technology. In addition to working on computers, you can also branch out to develop new applications for mobile phones. 4. Accounting and Finance Surprisingly, this field is still seen as a mostly male industry. Some women have even expressed concerns over unequal pay, and you can influence positive change if you have advanced financial education and training. Demonstrating your skills in bookkeeping, payroll management and other accounting-related tasks will help you excel in this industry. It would also be wise for you to learn about all the latest accounting software programs that can put you even more ahead in the game. 5. Culinary Heres another surprising industry that’s still largely overseen by men. In fact, most executive chefs in the United States are men who often make higher wages than their female counterparts. You once again have the opportunity to prove yourself and open doors for more women by entering this field. Although you may find it exhausting to constantly prove your worth, showcasing your skills can help you obtain the higher pay and respect you deserve. One of the best ways to get ahead in this field is to attend culinary school and practice preparing lavish meals for friends and family. 6. Plumbing If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, becoming a plumber may be a great career choice. Plumbers are known to make excellent salaries, and many of these professionals end up owning their own businesses. You’ll have to learn how to fix and repair old pipes, install plumbing fixtures and use certain tools to unclog drains. To give yourself an even greater advantage in this industry, you should volunteer to be on-call 24/7 so that customers will be more inclined to hire you. 7. Auto Mechanic For an even more groundbreaking experience, becoming an auto mechanic can help you set a new standard in the automotive industry. Although this career field is almost entirely dominated by men, that shouldn’t stop you from becoming a mechanic if you’re passionate about working on cars. In addition to performing oil changes, brake repairs and other common services, you may have to learn how to perform more extensive repairs. 8. Aviation If you want to enter the aviation field without taking on the stereotypically female role of being a flight attendant, you can train to become a pilot. You can choose to either fly chartered aircrafts or commercial planes. There’s even the option of flying airplanes that transport cargo. When you fly an aircraft, you’ll be able to travel to exciting locations as part of your job and challenge the notion that only men can be pilots. 9. Science Theres still a demand for more women to enter this field. After you’ve completed all the necessary education programs, you’ll be able to pursue a variety of career options in this industry. You can work as a physicist or chemist and may even have the chance to discover new scientific breakthroughs. A career in behavioral and social sciences will allow you to analyze the effects of human or animal behaviors if you choose this particular path. Just because a certain career path is thought to be male dominated, that still shouldn’t stop you from going after your own career ambitions. If you’re willing to do the hard work and excel in your field, you can bring about positive changes for womankind.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

5 Tips for Finding a Job When You Relocate

5 Tips for Finding a Job When You Relocate Finding a job when youre moving to a new city, or even country, can be challenging. It’s like starting over again from scratch. You not only have to adapt to a new environment, but you also have to compete against the locals who are looking for work and create a whole load of new contacts. If youre moving to a new area and are on the hunt for a job, here area few pointers to make your job search easier. 1. Update your online profiles. Before you move, make sure that your social media  profiles, such as  Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are updated, so that you are listed as living in the new area. This way when hiring managers or recruiters search for local candidates, your profile will show up as an individual located nearby and you will be considered for current vacancies. 2. Check out employers in the new area. Conduct some research on  some of the  companies in the new area, so that you  know what some of your options are  before you move. Find out the companies in your field and see if any of them are  hiring. You can then engage with them on social media, and let them know that you are moving there and what you have to offer. If there arent any vacancies listed on the company website this doesnt necessarily mean there isnt an opportunity for you within the business and a quick phone call or email enquiring about opportunities wont do any harm and will get you know by the hiring manager.   3. Tell your current network about your move. Let people know that you are moving and ask if they know anyone who lives in the area, who might be able to help you find a job there. If you’re on LinkedIn, you can do a search to see if your connections have connections in the new area. If so, ask for an introduction but try not to  be too pushy. After your move, set up casual meetings or coffee dates with your local connections, so that you can get to know them and seek their advice about finding a job in the area. Do your best not to come across as  too salesy as this may put them off and you want them to feel like connecting with you is mutually beneficial for both of you.   4. Join a meet up group. Networking plays a vital role in finding a job, especially when you are new in the city. The more people you know, the better. Have a look in to whether there are any local meet up groups that you might be interested in joining and make contact. By attending these meet ups it will then give you a chance to network with other members and you may make some useful contacts who can help with your job search. If you can’t find any meet up groups, see if you can volunteer in your new community or join a sports team. The goal is to get involved and meet people. 5. Let your prospective employer know that you are moving. Start your job search before your move. In your cover letter, make it clear to your prospective employer that you are moving to the area. This is very important because many employers don’t hire people from out of town and its possible that your application could be discarded before you are given a chance.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Melodic Review of a Recruitment Bygone Year

A Melodic Review of a Recruitment Bygone Year It’s the most wonderful time of the year… I find it is a great opportunity to reflect on all aspects of your recruitment year just passed: • The successes and achievements • The failures and learning curves made from them • Your sales/revenue achieved, versus targets • Clients gained and lost reasons why Oh Come all ye faithful Taking each of those points- successes and achievements clearly include strong billing, biggest fees and incredible candidates placed. Think about what you have overcome in a process. Some of my biggest successes this year has been placing really key people into entrepreneurial owner managed businesses, who have very quickly become such an important part of the fabric of that business that it feels like poetry. I can think of at least a dozen senior placements this year who have since become senior decision makers I have gone on to place with. That is the true recruitment life cycle in my opinion where candidate and client become one as your customer. Practise what you preach and faithfully work the winning formula each time, if you can! Stop the Cavalry The failures in recruitment are usually epitomised by candidates not getting the offers they had hoped for, for clients being disappointed by their ideal candidates being counter offered. All these are situations that every recruiter, nay employer, faces at some time. And the key point to note is that lessons are learned. What could have been done to avoid these failures? Better understanding at the start of the process of salary expectations and informing the client of this? Probing the motivations of the candidate’s desire to move to anticipate the counter offer? Teaching you to suck eggs is not the purpose of my blogs, I promise, however, sometimes you need to STOP and go back to basics and ensure you learn from each process that did not result in success. My own personal “failures” this year have included the above scenarios and being in R2R, it may surprise you to read that this does happen- it shocks me when it does as my candidate/client management is something I pride myself on however I still take stock when these rare occurrences happen and ensure I learn with the other “wounded” party in what we could have done differently. Fairytale of New York So you/your boss/employer set a financial target at the start of the year. Hopefully you use key ratios as kpis to work backwards from there. With monthly appraisals and reviews weekly of your progress and with MOST markets in full recovery, most recruiters should be achieving consistent performances now if these targets set were realistic and fair. I have overachieved on my financial target by 50% this year. Which I am obviously delighted about. However, you will be shocked to hear that when I hit my yearly goal by July, I did not sit back on my laurels, I kept on pushing and doing the good bits and focused on over achieving. This is the fairytale part where you know every solid placement you make is profit and a true delight! KPIs are not there to bash people over the head with. I measure myself on ratios. I achieved placement ratios of 1:1.7 which I know is exceptional, I am a “sniper” in how I operate though, working mainly with exclusive highly experienced people and clearly working SMARTLY with them rather than a “scatter gun” approach. My trade secrets revealed…. My Christmas present to you…. Last Christmas Mr Retrospective negotiator, unethical/immoral client/candidate, I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away…. If you have clients who have shown they are not true partners, if they lack any integrity- renegotiating, going behind your back, as two prime examples: now is the time to draw the line and as you devise your strategic business plan for next year, do not partner these people going forward. Equally, which clients HAVE become true partners to you- even if you have not yet placed with them, focus on how you can build on this relationship next year; set key milestones, arrange to meet up f2f quarterly. This is a perfect time of year to reflect on what has worked and… what hasn’t. Recruitment is not a perfect science though as we all know, we are dealing with fellow human beings, so things change, circumstances alter- for either party involved; people change their minds! My Christmas wish for recruitment is for us all to remember that our moral obligation is to maintain integrity at all times, to be honest to all individuals- to show empathy and compassion. To offer the best customer experience that we can and ultimately, do unto others…. I will leave you with one my favourite Christmas songs of all time and rather apt for what is going on in the world at the moment…. Happy Xmas (War Is Over) I hope you have enjoyed the click throughs to the songs chosen above to put you all in a Christmas spirit, go and grab a Gluwhein, a mince pie and sit back and enjoy. Thank you this year for your likes, RT, shares, comments and support. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year! Be safe. [Image Credit: Shutterstock]

Thursday, May 14, 2020

6 CV Writing Tips for Graduates

6 CV Writing Tips for Graduates As a graduate, starting your first proper job hunt can be a daunting prospect, especially when it comes to writing your first professional CV. With little exposure to the job market, it’s tough to know exactly how you should format your CV and what content you should include.So if you are a newly graduated job hunter, CV writing service StandOut CV and graduate recruitment firm Inspiring Interns have compiled 6 essential CV writing tips for career success.When writing your CV it can be tempting to opt for a flamboyant design to catch the eye of recruiters, but it’s best to keep it simple. Elaborate fonts and a CV plastered with images and logos can detract from the important content on the page.evalUse a clean simple font and ensure that your CV is easily read by all viewers. Before you start writing your CV, you need to do some thorough research to discover exactly what your desired employers are looking for in a candidate.Hit the job websites and scan company websites to learn the exact skills, knowledge and experience you need to highlight in your CV â€" then create an instant impact by adding these key terms to the top section of your CV.Many graduates will lack direct work experience so you must compensate for this by adding skills gained from non-work based activities.List school projects, voluntary work and work placements to show valuable skills like organisation, planning and teamwork. Sell yourself by adding a professional personal statement to highlight your most valuable talents and always introduce yourself with a cover letter.If you have any impressive interests such as blog writing or marathon running, then be sure to add them to your CV to prove your hard work and dedication.Reprinted with permission â€"

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Are You Hanging Out With The Right Crowd

Are You Hanging Out With The “Right Crowd” My husband is a basketball coach, and we often have players staying with us â€" generally women in their early to mid twenties from abroad coming to play professional basketball in the UK. The two players staying with us this year are truly inspirational. They’ve teamed up to spur each other on in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and attitude. I can see that they are helping each other to be better. And their self-improvement regimen is even rubbing off on the rest of us. All of which reinforces the point that we are as good as the company we keep. Sure, we’re born into situations beyond out control, but that doesn’t have to be where we end up. Not only are humans pack animals, we’re also adaptive, learning and growing beings. We have a choice of which pack to run with, and who we invite to join our pack. So, who are you hanging out with? And are you running with this pack by design or by default? If you want to keep getting better, then here are five questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re hanging out with the “right crowd”… as in, people who will help you be the best version of yourself more of the time. 5 ways to tell if you’re hanging out with the “right crowd” 1.   What are their aspirations? A young man who is the first in his family to go to university told me that seeing the work ethic and ambitions of his girlfriend’s family has opened his eyes to an entirely different world of aspiration, motivation and mindset. When you hang out with people who set their sights higher, you raise your sights as well. He has set his sights on a set of aspirations substantially higher than the world of his current friends and extended family, and now needs to spend time learning from people who have succeeded in these new directions. This doesn’t change his love for his family, but it does mean he is going to consciously seek out people with higher aspirations and accomplishments. It’s the same in your chosen career â€" find people who aspire to be better, to keep learning and growing. When you hang out with people who set their sights higher, you raise your sights as well. 2.   Are they willing to challenge you? You’re never going to be the best you can be if you’re surrounded by “yes men”. When you are challenged and adapt or overcome it, this makes you stronger. And by the way, you have to also make it safe for people to challenge you. If it helps you to give ground rules on when and how people can challenge you â€" such as only in private â€" then do so. Just make sure you surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth. 3.   Do you up each others’ game? I’ve mentioned my “gym buddy” Karen in a prior post. I love training with Karen because we egg each other on. We’re friends, but in the gym, we drive each other to perform at our respective maximum levels. When I’m tired but see Karen still do those burpees, it makes me grit my teeth and keep going because I’m not going to let her outlast me! And she’s thinking the same thing. As a result, we’re both stronger and fitter than we otherwise would have been. This phenomenon occurs in other areas of life as well. Use it to raise your game. 4.   Do they have a “can do” attitude? Attitudes rub off. Sometimes they even pass between people like a virus. If you’re only hanging out with Eeyores (the negative energy character in Winnie the Pooh who sees problems with every situation), it’s harder to stay in the positive frame of mind and get things done. Avoid these energy drainers whenever possible. Instead, choose to be around “glass half full” people who see possibilities and opportunities and have a winning attitude. 5.   Are you usually the smartest person in the room? If your answer is yes, then you’re either full of it or you’re coasting. Drifting along and not challenging yourself to be the best you can be. I love being the least knowledgeable person in the room, because that means I’m about to learn. Of course there are times when you’re going to be the “smartest” person on a subject and need to be â€" like when you’re doing brain surgery, or teaching the physics PhD seminar. But in most of life, the more powerful differentiator is your attitude and desire to learn. If you’re serious about improving in a particular area, then you need to hang around with people who are smarter and farther ahead than you are. Fortunately, we can all be smart about something different so you are also able to add to the relationship. The bottom line is to make sure you choose wisely and by design, not default. So, how do you and the people you hang out with stack up on the five questions? And how do you choose the company you keep?

Friday, May 8, 2020

How Can You Hire the Best Resume Writing Service?

How Can You Hire the Best Resume Writing Service?Have you ever wondered how successful writers of resumes know how to write good ones? Do you wonder why other people who are not highly skilled, although they do their best to make the application of their resumes a success, end up with similar results as you do? This is the reason, why more people are now asking themselves how to hire well-qualified resume writers.The first step in making your resume a hit is to find the right online service provider. Of course, you can't just pick and choose from all the available providers, because each service provider has its own range of capabilities and expertise. The first thing that you need to consider is whether you would want to pay money for the services that they provide. If you're a person who does not have any financial means, and you simply can't afford to hire them, then you might want to save money by using the free services offered by some of the companies or individuals who are mak ing use of this type of service.In many cases, the resume writing services reviews ladders also offer free samples of their services to prospective customers. This can be a very effective marketing method for some of these companies, because the first impression that the prospective clients get about the company will be based on the quality of the samples that they receive. It's a win-win situation, since the sample resumes that they send out will give an accurate impression of the service that they provide, and how efficient they can be in delivering their jobs. In addition, if the clients have no idea what the other side of the negotiation is like, then at least they will have a first-hand experience of what you can expect from them.Some of the companies that are offering free samples of their services are those that sell not only the websites but also the related software and other components that they offer. For example, you might find some companies that sell a complete resume writing service, along with a computer software program to help you with the creation of your own unique resume. This is an excellent way to get your resume written quickly, and so that the right kind of response can be received.To do the same, you would have to go through all the free samples that you find through the search engines, and eventually turn to the paid services, which will offer you more samples to choose from. Once you find the right one and sign up for the first service, you can expect to receive the rest of the samples, and other helpful tips that you need to use the service in order to be as successful as possible. These free samples are often invaluable, as they show you how a lot of potential clients would respond when they encounter your particular resume writing service.It is recommended that you find out more about the kind of resume writer that you want to hire. You should spend time reading the testimonials and information that the companies have posted on t heir sites, to learn more about how they wrote their resumes. The same goes for the site of each of the professional resume writing service providers, which can usually be found in the footer of their websites.Be sure to compare the charges that the resume writing services get when you decide to use their services. Just like any other business, they may charge higher fees than other companies, because they offer more valuable services. However, make sure that you will still get what you are paying for, since hiring a person who does not understand your specific needs, and who will provide you with a terrible, or even non-existent, service is obviously not worth the money that you will be spending.